Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Referring to the current epoch of geological time as the Anthropocene may be a mere act of hubris.  If a comet of adequate size and velocity slams into Paris tomorrow or any time within the next 100,000 years, any future intelligent life on this planet won't recognize it as anything but prelude to what followed.

Apart from interjecting god into the discussion, there is no reason for us to even prefer the current ecological arrangement of the planet. I mean we care because we have done quite well under the current arrangement and are therefore invested in its continuance.  The universe, however, doesn't care.  The earth neither weeps nor rejoices in us.  Philosophically it matters not if the current epoch continues to declines.

Only we care about the outcome of the Anthropocene because, you see, we are the Anthrops.  Ecological concerns come to the forefront of our mind because we live in them, eat from them, and die in them.

I find the concept of the Anthropocene intriguing because it means we finally get a chance to see how sentient human beings really are. While I do not believe we know as much about the world as we claim, we know enough to start making decisions based upon impacts beyond the current lifetime.

Our perspective is better than it has ever been, but will we care?

We have the power to change the globe for good or for ill, will our tribal nature limit our vision?

 Are we, as a species, truly capable of choice, or are we just a bunch of reindeer stripping resources until we starve?

I don't know.  Until recently, however, it would be hard to imagine asking these questions.  It isn't that we lacked agency.  We just lacked the perspective to perceive the impact of our agency. Will perception make a difference?

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